Sunday, December 31, 2006



BREAKING NEWS : Greg Paulus has 3 limbs severed when he was mauled by a bear!

Oh the humanity, oh such a young talent to go.
Why were you in the bear cage, Gregory?
Why did you leave the tour group?
In a recent visitation to Africa, Greg Paulus was humbly eaten by a bear. Rumor has it that Paulus challenged the 2000 pound grizzly to a fist fight. But the bear didn't want to fight with his fists, as his first instinct was to bite his head off.

Duke is screwed. No one remains to fill the shoes of the mighty Gregorian Paulus III. Yet, in the distance, one man is clouded in shadows. I see his silhouette in the distance, his name streaming in banners across the sky. Behold, Martynas Pocius is here! The wreckage is coming to the ACC - 2007!

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