Sunday, October 08, 2006

Man O' Man Look at the JamisOn Curry
The afterlife article on Mr. Curry's accomplishments

After two seasons with the failing Oklhoma State Cowboys JamisOn Curry has died a fatefull death at only age __ . Some say curry was a plight on the human race, I say JamisOn was the most acustic man of his time patenting the capital O in his first name. This was sure to rile up some angry players as he was attacked last saturday night by a hungry hieena severing both of Curry's limb's and his career. Dwindling outsiders claim that Curry was the next failure and shouldnt even be seen in public because of his first name obomination. The Catholics were outraged the pope staged his death because of this insidant which is sure to give JamisOn Curry the name "Twas the mangling in the Vatican City" Live in peace JamisOn and may fortune strike your heel.

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